Shop Online with ConfidenceBelleek 028 686 58555 - Inver 074 97 36974
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10 X Triple Flint Spark Lighter Refills - Gas Welding, Tri-Flint Replacement
10mm X 10mm 3/8" Fitted Blue (Oxygen) Hose
10mm X 10mm 3/8" Fitted Orange (Propane) Hose
British Style Nm Type Cutting Torch 18" Long With 90° Head
Cup Flint Lighter - Cup Type Sparklighter Welding
Helvi Plasma Pc 63 With St70 Torch 400V (Earth Lead Included)
Helvi Plasma Pc Evo 126 With Ph125 Torch 400V (Earth Lead Included)
Helvi Plasma Pc Evo 76 With Ph125 Torch 400V (Earth Lead Included)
Helvi Plasma Pc Evo 86 With Ph125 Torch 400V (Earth Lead Included)
Helvi Plasma Pc302K With Compressor 230V (Wired In Torch & Earth Lead)
Helvi Plasma Pc502K With Compressor 230V (Pt40 Torch & Earth Lead Included)
Jefferson 140Amp Mini Arc Welder With Auto Welding, Gloves & Helmet (230V)
Jefferson 140Amp Mini Arc Welder With Auto Welding, Gloves, Rods & Helmet (230V)
Jefferson 7" Bandsaw Belt Driven on Wheels 0.75kW
Jefferson Cutting and Tapping 500ml Fluid Bottle Drilling Hacksawing-Lubricant
Onsite Oxy/Propane Cutting Kit With Box-10 Meter Pipe Irish Regulator
Precision Circle Cutting Pivot (NM Torch) UK
Single Stage 2 Gauge Welding Propane Regulator - 2 Bar Extended Stem
Sip 01520 8" Swivel Pull-Down Metal Bandsaw 1.5Hp 230V
Sip 01524 10" Swivel Pull-Down Metal Bandsaw 1.5Hp 230V